Help and Information

Hummingbird Property Management, LLC will do what we can to work with our clients during this time.  Tenants please understand that the owners and vendors are just as much our clients as you and that they too have mortgages and bills to be paid using the rental funds received on a monthly basis. Please be proactive in seeking help to meet your rental responsibilities.

We want to let you know that we are still serving our clients during this tough time.  If the state issued lock down mandate expands we will still be available by phone or other digital means. At present our offices are solitary enough to qualify for mandated “social distancing” requirements for those working here.  We are taking precautions to keep our offices sanitary. If you are able to conduct your business with us over electronic means please do so. 

Our outside drop box is always available for rent payment or communication. For those wishing to pay via online EFT method please contact us about being connected for this service. For those already connected but having trouble accessing a computer to make their payments see the bottom of this ‘Help and Information’ page about an app to be able to make payments from your mobile devices.

If maintenance is required please do your best to practice sanitation and social distancing, and to cooperate with our vendors to the extent that you can remain within your own comfort levels.  They too are very aware of the need to keep in force the distancing factor, however, it is also important that repairs and maintenance be kept up.

We are so sorry if your work has laid off you or a household member.  We ask that you do your best to reach out to the agencies offering help.  There are several that we know of listed on this web page.  We will try to keep this page as up to date as possible with avenues of help. If you have been directly impacted this way please let us know and we will try to work something out with you.

NeighborImpact offers COVID-19 rent relief program

Bend-LaPine School District

Redmond School District

Local USDA Childrens Food Programs

Even though our county has begun to open up we know many families are still trying to bridge financial gaps. Here is yet another resource for help. If you have others to share please email us at


United Way

COVID-19 Community

Economic Relief Fund

# is 866-211-9966


Downtown Bend Resources

NeighborImpact : Applications

Family Access Network


Family Kitchen

Central Oregon Emergency Info

Health Insurance Help during COVID-19 Pandemic

Did you lose your job, healthcare benefits or have your hours reduced due to COVID-19? Are you wondering what to do about health insurance? Good news: Oregon Health Plan (OHP) only counts current monthly income, so apply now! If you don’t have steady income for April or May, you likely qualify for free health insurance and health services.

Mosaic Medical has a team of OHP enrollment assisters who are able to work with you over the phone to answer all of your insurance questions and submit your application. Please call us at 541-647-2717 to apply or for answers to your questions! If all workers are busy please leave a message and we will return your message within a business day.

OHP applications will only count known income for the current month (April or May). A single tax filer can qualify with up to $1468 in pre-tax monthly income, with higher income limits for children and families. If you later return to work or start receiving unemployment, we will work with you to update your income information. Current OHP members may need to report a change in income if their hours have reduced. However, OHP will not be terminating members’ benefits during this crisis.

OHP Enrollment Assistance through Mosaic Medical is always free and available to anyone in our community.

We encourage renters to be wary of GoFundMe accounts and putting your personal information on the site, but this one does seem to be legitimately offering help to those who need it. 

Fredrick Joseph Coronavirus Rent Relief Fund

Local Govt or Representatives Info:

City of Bend

Merkley Relief Package Press Release and Senior Meal Help Links

Walden Covid19 FAQ

Notice: Regarding common areas such as laundry rooms, etc. Hummingbird Property Management, LLC does have these cleaned on a regular basis by one of our vendors, but not daily.  Please practice personal protection as you would in any other public space in regards to Covid19.

"Think before you flush" 

Do not flush disinfecting wipes!


Can't get to a computer? There's an app that will get you to our main portal pages where payments can be made online rather than in person.

ios andriod

Rental Application

Interested in one of our properties?

Apply online